Little Scholars Studio

Ages 2 – 6

This studio is designed to allow scholars to grow and reach literacy milestones. Reading comprehension and reading fluency is the key to opening doors to each grade level. While reading opens the door, this allows success routes for all subjects.

Monthly Strategies

Each program consists of its own monthly goal, so that your scholar knows what to look forward to.

Supplies you own

You’ll be able to utilize or recycle supplies you already have at home to complete lesson activities. We’ll provide you with alternative options as well if needed.

Hands-on activities

Our activities are designed to keep your scholar engaged, whether it’s learning how to draw the solar system or memorizing a song about the seasons.

Engage their
growing curiosity

It all begins with an idea and action to allow children to become their best self learner.

Flexible Scheduling

Little Scholars Studio Monthly Rates

Small Groups of 2-5, 1hr per session, Monday-Thursday

  • 1 Session Per Week $140/month

  • 2 Sessions Per Week $280/month

  • 3 Sessions Per Week $420/month


Big Scholars Studio